

I Am The Joneses

I tooooootally wasn't ready to have my mind blown this morning.

But before we get to that - I just have to get excited for a minute because IT IS OFFICIALLY THE CHRISTMAS SEASON!!!  I woke up on Friday, November 17th and made a beeline for my computer to pop on Christmas music [because, of course, everyone knows that it's practically sinful to play Christmas music before the day after Thanksgiving.  right????  *sigh* okay, unless you're involved in the Brooklyn Tabernacle Christmas production, in which case you're excused from September on].

But I really do geek out majorly over Christmas.  It is by FAR my favorite holiday [I'm sorry, Easter... I truly am].  I love Rockefeller Center and Advent calendars and putting up lights and the abundance of chocolate - I could go on forever.  And I love getting ready for bed on Christmas Eve and spending a long time talking with God and always feeling so close to Him on that night in particular.  I always try to imagine what it must have been like for those who first witnessed the baby Jesus and how totally amazing that must have been... and then I remember that most people missed it completely and that the only spectators were a few barnyard animals and shepherds... which gets depressing... sooooo BACK to the Christmas music!!!!  No, but seriously, then I usually just shift to thinking about Christ's return and how NOBODY'S gonna miss that one.  That usually helps.

But, despite my enamoration [new word #1] with Christmas, the thing that drives me absolutely batty is the commercialism.  Now, I know that I just said that I love Rockefeller Center - but that's more of the ambience and the "vibe" [that's for you, Kendolyn].  Same thing with store windows being decorated.  But when I walk past Bath and Body Works and I see a little advertisement that says "The Perfect Christmas" above some kind of dumb ornament, I want to either gag or throw things.  Don't get me wrong - I'm not anti-gift - it just has always bothered me that Christmas has become so Christ-less.  Family and gifts and eating together is all great - but it's not what the holiday is about... and I feel like Christ is being taken more and more out of Christmas altogether, even sometimes by those who bear His name as Christ-ones [Christians].

On the other hand... I still do love getting gifts for people, especially ones that take some creative thought :).  I had decided on this one particular gift that I was going to get for someone this Christmas - and it was a little bit more expensive than I would normally go for a gift.  But I thought it would be such a great idea, so I started doing research to see where I could get the best deals, etc.  I knew that I was going to have a little extra money next month so I could justify my purchase - and I was all set to go.  Until my mind was blown this morning.

I recently began sponsoring a child in Central America through Compassion International - and I'm really excited about it so I was playing around with their website and I stumbled on this weird-looking ad called "Who Are The Joneses?"  I clicked on it and started reading, and basically the article was talking about the phrases "keeping up with the Joneses" - which basically means comparing yourself to those around you in terms of accumulating material goods... and feeling like you have to "stay even" with them in order to feel socially accepted.

And the article flipped and said, "But, who are the Joneses really?"  And then it said this sentence that began the mind-blowing process. 

If you make $43,000 a year, you’re in the top 12% of earners in the world.

That's right.  The WORLD.

My jaw began to slowly drop, but it practically unhinged when I was transferred to a website called  I was asked to put in my annual salary and, after a bit, it took me to a graph and told me that I am richer than over 90% of the people on this planet... and that I am the Joneses.  Meaning that, for the purposes of this illustration, over 90% of the world is "comparing" themselves to me.

I just sat there at my computer not knowing what to say or even think.  I know about world poverty.  I don't consider myself a spender or someone who has to have the latest whatever.  I've been to third-world countries and sat in squatter homes and read the charity:water campaigns - but somehow, that little graph made it so personal.  Not just "anyone who makes this amount of money is in this percentage."  But me PERSONALLY.  God has ordained for me... Amy... a person who never considered herself to be even close to rich... to be wealthier than over 90% of the world's people.  And this sense of responsibility just crashed down on me like a ton of bricks.  The idea of getting that expensive gift became almost repulsive, even though my intention was good.  I just started to pray and say "God - WHY did you allow me to be born here in this country of affluence?  How come I wasn't one of the billion people who don't have access to clean drinking water?  Or one of the 1.2 billion who earn less than $2 a day?"

I don't know the answer to that question.  But I do know that it isn't coincidence, and it isn't fair.  There's no reason why I should have abundance where others have lack - but yet God has placed me here.  So what do I do?  Don't know yet.  But I know that it will be something, and that I have a feeling this Christmas might be very different from Christmases past.

I am the Joneses.  Wow.

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